Kindergarten News
December 3, 2018
Dear Parents,
Happy December! We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving break. The kindergartners are going to be busy this month in class.
This month in math the student’s focus is on number sets 11-20. The goal is to be able to count out sets of these numbers and write the numbers correctly. We are also teaching the class to put numbers 0-20 in the correct numerical order as well as to recognize the numbers. We are doing number partners at calendar time and the children are really catching on. We also continue to review even and odd numbers. The children are learning how to decompose numbers into ones and tens. This activity reinforces place value.
During writer’s workshop we are working on writing “small moments.” We are having a publishing party on Thursday, December 20th at 8:30am in the lower school commons and you are all invited to come. The children will be reading their “small moments” to you!
In literacy, we are working on letters K, P, and the digraph CH. We are learning the initial sounds and the correct way to write these letters. These letters will be incorporated into our literacy program and we will start using them to write CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words.
Children are learning their sight words at different rates, but we would like each child to be able to read at least 15 sight words before winter break.
In social studies, we are learning about the holidays that are celebrated during the month of December. We are learning about Hanukkah, Christmas, St. Lucia, and Kwanza. During science, the children are learning about animal habitats.
It’s chilly and snowy at ACDS! Please make sure your child wears snow boots that they can put on and take off independently. Please also bring in snow pants, hats and waterproof mittens that can stay at school. Please note that a main goal of Kindergarten is independence, which includes keeping track of items and being able to dress and undress by themselves.
Thanks for all of your cooperation and let us know if you have any questions or concerns.